USPS® IBI Decertification FAQs

As you may know, the USPS® is decertifying all USPS® non IMI compliant postage meters in order to update the technology to increase speed, efficiency and security. With this technology upgrade the USPS® needs to make sure that all postage machines are up-to-date with the newest technology and security standard so they require that all USPS® non IMI compliant postage machines need to be moved to the newer IMI technology by December 31st 2024. We know this subject may sound confusing so we have created our Decertification FAQs below to help clarify the topic.

Decertification FAQs

What is IBIP vs IMI?


The Information Based Indicia Program (IBI or IBIP) was introduced by the USPS® in the early 2000s. This required every Postage Evidencing System (PES), also called a postage meter, to print a 2-dimensional barcode on every piece of mail processed through the machine. The printed indicia also had to include specific data both in the barcode and in readable text (i.e. postage amount, zip code, mail class and date). This technology was introduced to offer better security and accuracy when processing mail through the postal system for postage meter users.


Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) is the newest data technology related to the postage imprint that comes from a postage meter. IMI offers greater security and accuracy to meet the new requirements set by the USPS® and replaces the previous IBIP standard.

Why is the USPS® mandating the change to IMI?

IBIP provides a limited amount of postal and transactional data to the USPS®. As technology has evolved the need for more accurate and secure data has become necessary. The Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) was introduced by the USPS® in order to satisfy this need for more detailed and secure data.

Here are some of the benefits of IMI:

Accurate Posting

IMI technology automates the calculation of postage required to ensure that your mail is posted correctly, with no overspend, and avoids mistakes in mail class which can lead to returned mail or delays in processing.

Improved Security and Fraud Detection

With the new IMI technology, the USPS® has implemented the highest security standards for the transmission of data to and from the postage meter (PES). This increased data security also allows for better visibility of fraud.

Better Service Through the Post Office

IMI compliant machines require a dedicated network connection, which allows the machine to connect with your postage meter provider and the USPS®. This connection ensures you have the most up-to-date postal rates and updates the USPS® with transactional data that give customers better speed and accuracy for processing their outgoing mail.

When is the deadline for the IBIP decertification?

As of June 30th, 2024, all USPS® non IMI compliant postage meters will be decertified. At this time, only IMI machines will be eligible for new leases, contracts and rentals.

By December 31st, 2024, all USPS® non IMI compliant postage meters must be withdraw from service as the USPS® will no longer accept mail processed using IBIP meters. All postage meters will need to be IMI compliant in order to continue processing mail.

How do I know if my postage meter is IBIP or IMI?

If you are a current FP customer and are not sure if your postage meter is IMI compliant, click below to find your current postage meter model for more information. If your meter is not one of the IMI models shown, then it is an IBIP model and needs to be changed to an IMI compliant meter.

Click here to determine if your current FP Postage Meter is an IMI model

If your current meter is not IMI compliant, please contact your local FP authorized representative to review your options for changing to an IMI meter.

What if I am currently using a different Postage Meter provider?

If you are not a current FP customer, you can use this opportunity to see the benefits offered by FP postage meters. FP Mailing Solutions is the fastest growing postage meter manufacturer with over 100 years of experience and expertise. FP was the first to market with a full line of IMI compliant machines and with that knowledge let us see how we can help you and your business get the most out of your mail!

Click the button below and fill out the form to get more information about our IMI complaint machines. A sales rep will contact you to help you find the postage meter that will best fit your business needs.

Request Information

Where can I find more information about the decertification?

If you are looking for more information on the IBIP decertification by the USPS®, you can find links for additional resources below.

Are you ready for the upcoming USPS decertification – FP Newsroom article

Authorization to manufacture and distribute postage evidencing systems – Federal Register

Decertified Postage Evidencing Systems – Cornell Legal Information Institute